Ruben Castaneda May 27, 2021 Med School. Investors and owners of companies, buildings, and infrastructure projects will need to assess materials impacts, apply materials passports, and guide shifts towards circular practices consistent with human rights standards. The ethics scandal at the Fed has helped fuel momentum for stricter rules for members of Congress. Persistent cookies will remain stored on your computer until deleted, or until Preview abstract. The Wild West Years: Theres Something About Miriam and Whos Your Daddy. Gabriela Romero-Gonzlez. In October 2021, the second Global Sustainable Transport Conference brought together governments, UN agencies, and a range of stakeholders to take steps aimed at realising more sustainable transport meaning universally accessible, safe (particularly for women, minorities, and other marginalised communities), and efficient while reducing environmental impact. Charity Commission Registered Number: 1131790. Video, 00:03:15. Institute for Human Rights & Business (IHRB) is the trading name of the Institute for Human Rights and Business Ltd. (limited by guarantee, incorporated in England and Wales). Audio, 42 minutesBBC Inside Science, Understanding Covid-19 death rates; Contact tracing apps; Whale sharks and atomic bombs. The IBE monitors the media throughout each year to record stories that focus on business ethics issues. You can choose to turn these off here: (You can change the settings at any time by clicking the cookie icon in the bottom left hand corner of the site page or Calls are growing to enforce environmental protection laws, investigate allegations of abuse, and make human rights due diligence a mandatory requirement throughout supply chains. Audio, 42 minutes, Pause For Thought: 'Technology is great when it works!' Enacting real change in business is about more than posting online, it is about making real structural and lasting change to how you do business. Environmental instability has also impoverished many farmers and workers to the point that they have been forced to migrate to other regions and countries to find new livelihoods, or in many instances to take their lives(including in countries as diverse as Australia, with its large farms, and India, where most holdings are small). The year to come will likely see increasing demands on key actors in the transport sector to more rapidly scale up transformations of mobility systems needed to achieve climate and sustainable development objectives and to do so in ways that ensure respect for the rights of all people. On Your Farm. We ask an expert, Festival fashion is back as Coachella marks the return of the great outdoor music party, Blooming great: how to buy flowers for Mothers Day or just for a treat, Greenwashing UK fashion firms to be named and shamed by watchdog, Labour peers AI healthcare firm Sensyne says cash is running out, UK surge in post-Christmas returns reveals dark side of online shopping boom, New years resolutions: Im going to give away 10% of my income, UK annual spending on ethical products surpasses 100bn for first time, Sunaks hospitality bailout is only enough for now, just. Understanding Covid-19 death rates; Contact tracing apps; Whale sharks and atomic bombs. New infrastructure as seen in initiatives like Build Back Better World, Belt and Road, Blue Dot Network, and Global Gateway goes beyond mere bricks and mortar, raising significant geopolitical relevance. Audio, 41 minutesDigital Planet. Bias in AI what next? Is a pig-heart transplant an ethical procedure? How can the law account for the value of naturalplaces. By giving up on corporate responsibility, Patagonias founder undermines current strides toward ethical capitalism. The present-day financial implications on rights and livelihoods are very real, with an estimated shortfall in insurance cover of US$227 billion for loss and damage from flooding, wildfires, and other climate-driven catastrophes already affecting vulnerable communities. Audio, 44 minutes, BBC Inside Science. Major financial actors are crucial to achieving net-zero. During 2021 our most popular new or fully updated featured content covered fast fashion, financing fossil fuels, workers' rights, the climate crisis, and finding out who . The main issues faced by professional services related to diversity and discrimination. 3. An expert in military decision-making explains the real-life consequences of war and the long-term psychological toll that endures. Droughts,floods,wildfiresandheatwaveshave all destroyed or reduced harvests in recent years, and the introduction of new pests and diseases are expected as the world continues to warm. Audio, 37 minutes, Open Book. 1. Note: The links to these articles are provided for information purposes only. Current advances in biomedical research have introduced new ethical challenges in obtaining informed consent in low and middle-income settings. Banking and finance are next, and the highest number of stories covering this sector were about sustainability, reflecting ongoing media interest in initiatives in this area, followed by stories about diversity and discrimination, fraud and theft and treatment of employees, followed by fraud and data protection. Continued efforts are needed to drive trulysustainable finance, particularly to embed mainstream understanding of the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights as the core standard of the S in ESG and their relevance across all types of financial actors. Social Revolution. Ethical issues in computing . Thu 16 Jun 2022 at 1:42pm 2m 7s Call for laws to protect consumers from facial recognition programs Paul Canon Harris on the double-edged sword of scientific advancement. Zero-emission vehicles are crucial, but the commodities on which they dependpose human rights challenges that the sector has barely examined. There are important examples of sport leaders engaging on the climate agenda. Broadcaster Verity Sharp takes on a new challenge - running a farm in Pembrokeshire. Investment advisers who passed a licensing exam with more ethics questions were one-fourth less likely to engage in misconduct than those with less ethics training, according to a new study. Calls for independent investigation into sports grants The Centre for Public Integrity has taken aim at a SA government grants scheme, saying the spending by the Malinauskas government should have gone through an independent process. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Yet 47% of the top 300 undeveloped copper ore bodies globally are located on or near indigenous peoples lands, 65%are in high water risk areas, and many are located in conflict-prone or conflict-affected areas. Audio, 00:01:46Pause For Thought: 'Technology is great when it works!'. Read the IBE's summary of the latest surveys on business ethics. Behaviour and culture has dropped so low - it only appears under other because so many of the stories that relate to organisational culture come under other categories, such as diversity and discrimination although that other category disguises one of the biggest news stories of the year, namely partygate and ethical issues in Downing Street. Climate mitigation measures will have a major impact on many economies, communities, and workers who have long depended on the production, processing, export and consumption of fossil fuels. The technologys focus on the framing of the artistic task amounts to the fetishization of the creative moment and devalues the journey that waters the seed of an idea to its fruition. The good news for news media in 2022 is that journalism is safer than it has ever been. Screened out? The sector also continues to require significant reforms to make transport options affordable and available to all, and to address other human rights concerns including working conditions, gender-based discrimination, and risks relating to land acquisition. The year ahead will see increasing demands on states to take the steps needed to incentivise faster rights-respecting climate action. Topics. If you are to run an ethical business, you first need to know what types of issues you can expect to face and may need to overcome. But the mass shifting from office-based work to the working from home approach significantly raises the cyberattack surface. To aid in this critical integration of agendas, IHRB's Top 10 Business and Human Rights Issues for 2022 examines the intersection of human rights and climate action, highlighting ten priority areas demanding attention by governments, business, and civil society. The company that makes OxyContin could become a public trust what would thatmean? Similarly, polycrystalline silicon, much of which is comes from Xinjiang, is linked to widespread reports of forced labour. Market-based measures and corporate strategies alone will not and cannot deliver results fast enough. Copyright 20102023, The Conversation US, Inc. An impossible sight but maybe not for long. Video, 00:04:54Medics changed by 'very frightening' experience, Genetically-modified babies 'ethically justified', Denis donated his body to science but there is now a shortage of cadavers for medical students. The media is just one lens through which your customers and clients will get to know you as a business, and coverage reflects what journalists think their readers are interested in. The just-released audio documentary The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling explores the debate surrounding one of the worlds most successful authors and her controversial views on gender and sex. 1. Scrutiny of the Catholic Churchs accountability for systemic harms and abuses perpetrated by and in residential schools has also turned attention on how the church has responded to wider calls to prevent and respond to sexual abuse. Institute for Human Rights and Business Copyright 2023. Ethics toolkit for medical students. Ethics in the News 2022 By Mark Quiner | August 15, 2022 Resource Ethics in the News is a monthly summary of ethics- and lobbying-related articles published in 2022, compiled by NCSL's Center for Ethics in Government. What would happen if companies stopped paying ransoms? Audio, 28 minutesAnalysis. Audio, 28 minutesOpen Book. Ethics, WeeklyTech / January 4, 2022. A special programme about the bias in AI can this ever be fixed? 3. How can we live an ethical life? But there is sufficient ethical and legal gray areas to make it a real moral quandary for business leaders. Read More Posted by Bioethics Pundit Posted in Clinical / Medical, Covid-19, News February 27, 2023 2022 must be the year that we close the massive gaps in the global pandemic response and meet the global target of getting 70% of people in every country vaccinated by midyear. Bound to the Mast. Researchers at the IBE monitored various major news outlets over the course of the year to record all stories that featured business ethics issues in both a positive and negative light. Ethics are moral principles, or rules, that govern a person's attitudes and behaviour. Looking at the underlying philosophical and moral questions involved in abortion debates can help explain why its such an intensely divisive issue. So too must those involved in the growing array of nature-based solutions, which can only achieve their objective of protecting, restoring, and sustainably managing land and resources if their interventions are designed to be rights-based, culturally appropriateand anchored in the self-determined priorities of local peoples. As trade unions and other advocates have noted, opportunities for job creation and strengthened social inclusion in a reformed and reimagined transport sector remain largely unexplored. Sara Fernndez-Basanta. Cement alone contributes 8% of global emissions, and the contributions of steel, brick, and stone are significant. 86 Yes. In 2022 and beyond, the challenge throughout thebuilt environment lifecycle will be for building and construction industries to deliver mitigation and resilience while avoiding corruption, reducing inequality, preventing harm to people, and unlocking opportunities for workers and vulnerable communities. Shareholders appear to achieve greater returns from corporations which are less aggressive tax planners and pay a greater percentage of tax, according to a new pilot study. History is replete with examples of human rights defenders acting as the last line of defence for marginalised communities' rights to land, water, and dignified livelihoods. Governments from national level to regions and cities have critical roles to play as well, by harnessing regulatory, procurement, and convening powers to reduce waste , incentivising circular strategies, and ensuring strong social and worker protections. Bad beliefs: Misinformation is factually wrong but is it ethically wrong,too? Telephone: +44 (0)20 7798 6040 New Thinking: Shakespeare's Life Lessons. For this latest special-education paper, the authors reviewed more than 100 research reports, peer-reviewed journal articles, news stories, and summaries of legal cases. Many lessons can be learned from investors, who have long grappled with what it means to exert leverage in their clients activities. Can their small changes add up? One of the most notable 2022 cybersecurity issues stems from the COVID-19 impacts in 2021. In 2022 and beyond, the challenge throughout thebuilt environment lifecycle will be for building and construction industries to deliver mitigation and resilience while avoiding corruption, reducing inequality, preventing harm to people, and unlocking opportunities for workers and vulnerable communities. Integrated approaches encompassing the climate change and business and human rights agendas can guide responsibly managed exits in the "transition out", but there will need to be much greater engagement in specific contexts to gather evidence on the effectiveness of approaches that produce positive outcomes for workers and communities. Many investors and corporations believe that accounting for the impact that businesses have on the environment, society as a whole and their own workforces benefits their bottom line. 39 Yes. 'Session' or 'functional' cookies enable core functionality such Audio, 27 minutes, Health Check. they reach a specified expiry date. please see, Tuvalu Foreign Minister Simon Kofe delivers a virtual speech at COP26 standing knee-deep in sea water to demonstrate the realities of climate change and rising sea levels. The year 2022 will likely bring greater scrutiny to how sport at every level is addressing the climate crisis and making connections to responsibilities for respecting and protecting human rights. Key ethical issues encountered during COVID-19 research: a thematic analysis of perspectives from South African research ethics committees . Over the course of 35 advocacy campaigns, 1,406 NSPE members made their voices heard in 2021. Is a pig-heart transplant an ethical procedure? In 2020, Global Witness recorded 227 lethal attacks on land and environmental defenders around the world who were standing up against harms to communities connected to vital natural resources. Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples? The extraction of rare earth elements has been linked to chemical pollution and tailings threatening rural groundwater aquifers, rivers, and streams in China, as well as hazardous exposure for workers. 29 Oct, 2021, 08.54 AM IST. February 3,. The Documentary Podcast. At COP26, Scotland and Wallonia were the only governments that stepped up to pledge funding to small nations bearing the brunt of climate change. ArtemisDiana/iStock via Getty Images Plus. Purchasing property as a primary home is considered more ethical than acquiring property for investment. Audio, 22 minutes, Arts & Ideas. Leverage comes in many forms, and looking ahead it is imperative that buyers of renewable energy private and public use their individual and collective purchasing power to set clear human rights expectations, continually engage renewables companies on their human rights risks, and demonstrate leadership as key players in driving a truly just transition to the green economy. Audio, 37 minutesBad People. Each of these individual strategies have been tested in different contexts over the years, but national examples of ambitious and coherent implementation as a package are few and far between. But new changes by the GOP to rules governing the office were just the latest attempt to defang it. From elections to vaccines, state and federal courts are weighing major Florida lawsuits. Public health bodies worldwide have discussed the merits and drawbacks of implementing mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies. This toolkit gives medical students an introduction to common ethical problems they may encounter and practical ways of thinking to help solve issues. Can no mean yes in mental health? To be sure, some traditional methods are degrading, dangerous, or dehumanising and these must change. On 12 February 2022, the European Parliament's Panel for the Future of Science and Technology organised an event entitled 'Ethical issues in the Covid19 pandemic: The case of digital health applications'. But huge gaps still remain in commitment and action needed to confront the threat of global warming, and to do so in ways that are consistent with international human rights standards. Patient Undone. Treatment of employees is this year's biggest ethical concern with 54 lapses recorded - 4 more than in 2020, seeing it surpass behaviour & culture for the first time since 2018. Younger people aged 18 to 28 were more likely to be negatively impacted by manipulative designs on websites and apps. CEO of AstraZeneca, Soriot praises the example shown by scientists working together. Registered office address: 19c Commercial Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 3XE, UK. Prince Harry sits on an Apache helicopter at the British-controlled flight line in Afghanistan on Dec. 12, 2012. Audio, 00:06:37Is a pig-heart transplant an ethical procedure? The integrity of the academic project should underscore universities work at all times. Accountability and justice for historic contributions to climate change remains an unresolved issue, with loss and damagehappening around the world with increasing regularity and the lack of a collective mechanism to address the issue. Audio, 43 minutesMoral Maze. Allegations of sex discrimination should be a watershed moment not only for Welsh rugby but the people of Wales. 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